Media & Public Engagement

October - December 2023

Our work on the potential use of infrasound by wandering albatrosses was featured in a number of news outlets following its publication, including: 

'Voice of the sea’ may help albatrosses catch the perfect wind. Science

How Does the World's Largest Seabird Know Where to Fly? Science, Quickly - Scientific American.

We were featured on NPR's science podcast, Short Wave.

I produced a blog covering the work for BOU.

July 2023

Shy or bold - Wandering albatrosses have personality and strategies. Polar Journal

Our work on personality-related differences in foraging strategies in wandering albatrosses was covered in a brief feature by Polar Journal. Read it here.

December 2021

Climate change is making monogamous albatrosses divorce: new research. The Conversation

I was invited to write an article covering new research on divorce behaviour in black-browed albatrosses, which shows increasing sea surface temperatures are causing pairs to split up. Read it here.

June 2021

Does albatross allopreening aid parental coordination? BOU Blog

I wrote a blog post covering a paper I published in Ibis, investigating the role of allopreening between breeding pairs of black-browed albatross during incubation and chick rearing. Read it here.

November 2020

Should we put our oceans first? Oxplore

I was recently commissioned by Oxplore, an educational outreach portal aimed at 11-18 year olds, to tackle the question 'Should we put our oceans first?'. Along with my colleague Annette Fayet, we explored what seabirds can tell us about the state of our oceans, and how this can inform conservation more broadly. Watch us speak here.

 August 2018

Manx shearwater: The Skomer bird which appears after dark. BBC News

To coincide with the 2018 Manx shearwater census, BBC News dedicated a feature to Skomer Island's Manx shearwater population, including interviews with myself and fellow researchers and island staff. Read it here.

September 2017

Curiosity Carnival Workshop: Seabird Spectacular

As part of the European Researcher's night, Oxford University hosted the Curiosity Carnival, an evening of interactive workshops hosted by researchers at the university. I planned and hosted a workshop focused on seabird research, exploring how scientists collect data from these birds and what we have learnt from doing so.