
Click on the title to view posters and presentations with online content.


Movement Ecology of Animals, Gordon Research Conference 2023: 

'Wandering albatrosses ride infrasonic waves over large geographic scales'

In-person poster and short presentation.


15th International Seabird Group Conference 2022: 'Are foraging movements in wandering albatrosses consistent with infrasonic sensitivity?'

In-person conference organised by the Seabird Group. 

BOU22: Avian Reproduction: 'The role of body mass in the coordination of incubation'

Online conference organised by British Ornithologist's Union.

European Ornithologist's Union Conference: 'Personality mediates responses to wind in the wandering albatross'

1st prize, online poster presentation. 


World Seabird Conference 3: 'It takes two: evidence for cooperative parental care in the Manx shearwater' and 'Examining the interactive effects of boldness and wind conditions on foraging behaviour in the wandering albatross'

Online symposium presentation and poster. 

Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Summer Meeting: 'Evidence for coordinated parental care in the Manx shearwater’

Organised by Queen's University Belfast; online presentation.


Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting: 'Control of incubation routine in the Manx shearwater'

2nd prize presentation. Portland, Oregan, USA. 


Friends of Skokholm and Skomer reunion meeting: 'Should I stay or should I go: Resolving the conflict between incubation and foraging in the Manx shearwater’

Invited 30 minute talk on my undergraduate dissertation